Saturday, November 13, 2010

30th Oct - Cali Day 2

Got up v gingerly after last night's nonsense. Went for disgusting chop suey in a Colombian restaurant with the dulcet tones of Enya as accompaniment! Didn't work.

Went back and met the French lads again. They were utterly shattered too, which was good, I wasn't suffering alone! Listened to Ireland v Australia in the Compromise rules at 2pm Colombian time - Micheal O Muircheartaigh's last ever match. Still don't believe it though!

And met the Yank lad in my room again. Bit of a knob this lad. He was telling me that he's only been here a week (moved down after 3 yrs in Medellin) but he's already got 3 women on the go. Turns out that one of them, by his own admission, he hasn't even met yet! He's chatted to her on Facebook. Ah sure yeah, that's the same thing. Another girl is actually a doctor don't you know and is super hot. But there's a problem - "There's only so much making out you can do in a car" - oh so this girl's a doctor driving a convertible and what, she doesn't have a bedroom that you can go back to? And all that stuff about how much money you have and you can't afford a hotel room for a night? Oh that's right, you haven't even kissed her yet, have you chief? If she even exists like...

He had a rant about black people, with unacceptable liberal use of the N-word, then he turned to me and said:

"Irish people are very serious. I hate to generalise but you guys need to lighten up. You've no sense of humour. Hey man, I'm from Chicago, I just tell it like I see it."

Mmm... it could be because us Paddies don't really want to engage in banter with you, you self-important, full of shit, racist prick. Or yeah, you could be right, we're all a mad boring race.

Went for a delicious dinner later on, and ran into the lad from the tourist office who works in a restaurant near the hostel. Fierce nice lad, bit of a chat, couple of pints and a much quieter one than last night!

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