Thursday, October 28, 2010

21st October - San Bartolome to Santa Cruz

Today... is Christmas! No, wait, that's not it. Today's actually my birthday. And what better place to spend it than in the Galapagos!

Up early as per usual, first activity was to check the penguin site to have a look at them. Not a single penguin! Disaster!

Next was a walk to the highest point of San Bartolome island. Lovely views and v interesting. Guide said that it's the most popular view of the Galapagos in photos and postcards. Here's a panoramic video of the view from up there.

The island behind the 2 beaches is Santa Cruz where we are due to go later today. You can see the rock looks black, that's because it's a lava field. When Darwin was here 150 yrs ago he wrote about the beautiful sandy beaches all around this island. But 125 yrs ago, a huge underwater explosion threw lava everywhere near here and it increased the size of the place. So no more beaches!

Arsene and me. He was an absolute legend, an awful pity we could only communicate in my awful pidgin French

Famous postcard shot. Incidentally, the two rocks in the top left used to be islands before the lava turned them into part of Santa Cruz!
Then went snorkelling again. Enjoyed it a lot more. Getting more confident and swam out a good bit. Still had a panic attack and had to be rescued by Philippe the French lad, but I'll get there!

Coming to a beach near you. I'd say David Hasslehoff is crapping himself!

I'm like a fish here. But if the water gets any deeper...

Had a chat to the Germans about soccer at lunch. Good discussion, they know their stuff in fairness.
Rene, one of the German lads, was telling me that because they invaded Austria, the German national team had to have a quota of 4 Austrians in the 1938 World Cup. I then asked him how many French they needed in the mid-1940s after invading France. The two French lads beside me less than impressed. Ah the banter!

Here the French lads are discussing their shame at their appalling World Cup 2010 performance. Even though I barely understood it, I really enjoyed it!

Went across to Santa Cruz for the lava field walk. Short enough walk but really enjoyable. Like walking on a lunar landscape.

View of the point that we saw this morning but from the other side. I'm standing on the lava field!
Sitting in a hole in the lava!

Back to boat. Dinner, couple of beers and bed. 7 of them leaving tomorrow to be replaced by 7 new people, hopefully it'll turn into the fun tour!

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