Wednesday, October 27, 2010

7th Oct - Mancora to Guayaquil

Breakfast in the Yank place again and after that the lads went surfing again but I opted out this time! Couldn't face it again. Went back and booked my ticket for Guayaquil in Ecuador for later this evening. Overnight bus so leaves at 9, gets in at 6.

Today's event was beer frisbee. Basically involves flinging a frisbee at beer bottles on poles. Fun game, I was on a team of three with a dead sound pair from Norn Iron. Sadly I was utterly hopeless and failed miserably to even reach the other end with any of my efforts and we were soundly trashed.

Beer frisbee - sound Nordies on the left

Packed quickly and then it was time for the poker competition at 5!

Good craic, but I was first out. I'd to go eat dinner anyway before the bus so I didn't mind. That's my excuse anyway!

Oh also, today's theme was "Dutch Day", so everyone was going around wearing orange or with orange paint on them. The two Dutch bitches who got all pissed off with people having the craic on their balcony were delighted with themselves. To annoy them, I wore my anti-Holland "Spain - World Cup Champions 2010" t-shirt. Hee hee!

Me and Jeremy who I met in Mancora after also meeting him on my first day in South America - back in La Paz aaaaages ago!
I was due to get the bus tonight without the boys. The time has come for me to leave and when it's time to go, you must push on. In fairness to the lads, it was hard enough to rattle them, the only time that really irked them was when I asked them if it was a real treat for them to go backpacking?
"Huh?" they said
"Well, being Australian, don't you usually go everywhere with ball and chain?"

Sour faces.

Went for dinner with the lads at the local steak house which had an imaginative English language name: "The Beef House". It was delicious in fairness and set me up for the bus! Hilarious Argie bird from the night before came with us as well. The Irish lad who'd been knocking around turned up as well. Found out where he was from - turns out it's about 2 miles from our house at home, must only be about 20 or 30 houses between the 2 of us. Mad.

Me, Rob, Rich, Matt, Argie at the Beef House - pity the sign took so much of the flash!

Got to the station and met a couple of like surfer like dudes from the Gold Coast in Oz. Sound lads in fairness, though they got shafted at the border in the middle of the night. I was sitting beside a lad from Ecuador and he knew when we needed to stand up to get off the bus and be first in the queue. At Ecuador entry I was off the bus and back on it in less than ten mins and straight back to sleep. The poor Aussie surfer dudes had to queue and then the machine broke. They were queueing for over an hour and a half! Ha!

At the Peruvian border at 1am, the local tv station was on and bizarrely they were showing the goals from Ireland 0-3 Brazil, a game I was at in the Emirates back in March! Very strange!

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