Tuesday, October 12, 2010

28th Sept - Santa Maria to Santa Teresa

Uh oh. Woke up with a poor-ish stomach. Ate breakfast but didn't feel at all good. Started the walk anyway just after 7 and the next 5 hours were pretty much all uphill. Mighty craic if you're feeling good, less craic if you're puking the whole time. Which I was. Was totally wrecked too so I was walking really slowly and a good bit behind the rest of the lads. Pity - cos the views looked savage!

I was positive this village was about to fall into the river. I was a bit out of it that morning though!

Stopped in a couple of places with hammocks so I slept a bit. one of these places housed this crazy looking South American animal that looked half-beaver, half-wallaby. Strewth!

Richie and the beaver/wallaby thing

Marched on to lunch, views incredible along the way in fairness.

I'm not puking! Result!

Lunch - Justin and Tim taking it too easy mate

After a nice lunch (according to the lads!) left to do the afternoon walk which was about 3 hours along a riverbed. Quite an easy walk and I'd stopped puking at this stage so I figured I'd be ok...

Well, I wasn't, I was completely lacking in energy, and that walk was easily one of the hardest things I've ever done. The guide stayed with me for a bit, but I was about twenty mins behind the group and I asked him to move on, couldn't be talking to anyone! Eventually reached the end and got a cable car to cross the river. Quite scenic really looking back at it now!

The river bed that was the bane of my life that afternoon!

A nice bridge along the way
When I reached the other side of the cable car, a lovely surprise awaited; we weren't actually there yet, only another 15 mins uphill to the hot springs then a 1 hr wait for the taxi to where we'd spend the night. Super. Fair play to Silvio though, he sorted out a different taxi straight away and I checked into the hostel and went to bed.

Got up for half an hour around 8 for a quick chat to Silvio, he had sorted out a taxi/train for tomorrow so I don't have to face the 6hr hike! Bed and glorious sleep! Tough tough day.


  1. Beaver/Koala surely?? A Wallaby being a small kangaroo!?

  2. You'd think so. I was asleep while this was going on, but the Aussies reckon he was like a wallaby. Flamin galahs.
